Personal support

“An unexamined life is not worth living”


In response to the incessant pace of life, the weekly hour session is replaced by the two to four hour experience, called the INTENSIVE.

These longer sessions create the space to work at different levels; mentally (understanding & insight), emotionally (connection & processing), and physically (releasing tension through the body). This holistic approach enables a whole reset to take place in the system.

Intensives are suitable for individuals and couples who would like to have an efficient yet more intense experience on their healing journey. It offers you, in a relatively short period of time, clear insights, a healthy reset and practical guidelines for the future.

The intensive includes 3 phases:



Creating awareness around what's really going on and why, in order to see the bigger picture. Elements that can play a role here are, for example, inherited conditions (DNA, family patterns, characteristics), significant life experiences and your personal development. From this search your personal blue-print arises and a plan of action is made.



In this phase we focus on breaking through patterns, neutralizing blockages, processing emotions and releasing tension through the body. In this way, holistic healing can take place.


Integration and Implementation

Learning how to integrate positive change into your life using practical guidelines and rituals. This will create a strong foundation for long term change. We will assess your needs prior to the intensive, to create clarity around what you would like to take away from your experience, and to discuss potential preparations.

Prior to the intensive session an intake interview takes place to properly assess the request for help and to discuss any necessary preparations.

Please note: my sessions will not be reimbursed by health insurance.


1 hour
(excl btw)


2 hours
(excl btw)


4 hours
(excl btw)

Couples Therapy

1 hour
(excl btw)


2 hours
(excl btw)

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